In the details for the assign activity, set the From list to Fixed Value and type "Shipping problem"( including the quotes) for the fixed value. 在Assign活动的详细信息中,将From列表设置为FixedValue,并为固定值键入“Shippingproblem”(包括引号)。
In the shipping calculations requirement, from the area path column list, select web. 在“发布计算”要求中,从“区域路径”列列表中选择“web”。
All the parts, attachments and spare parts of the shipped system have then to be checked item by item according to the shipping list for their types, quantities and external appearances to exclude confusions, mistake packing, shortages and damages. 然后,运输系统所有的部件、附件及备件必须依照运输清单,逐一检查它们的型号、数量、外形特征以排除混乱的、错装的、缺损等情况。
In unpacking, the shipping list must be first examined to ensure the proper configuration of the required system. 在拆箱的过程中,必须先检查运输清单,以保证系统所必须的构件齐全。
Packing list and/ or weight note in triplet, indicating the contract NO., the shipping marks, gradually list the Gross weight and net weight in each packing. 装箱单及或重量单3份,注明合同号及唛头,并逐渐列明每一包装之毛重,净重。
Let us check the quantity of the parts ( accessories) according to the packing list ( shipping list). 让我们根据装箱单(发货清单)来核查零件(附件)数量。
Goods shipping document, invoice and packing list; ③货物的运单、发票、装箱单;
The following shipping marks must be clearly stenciled on each package, and stated on invoices and packing list. 下列船运麦头必须以模版镂花标示于每一包装箱上及标示于商业发票、装箱单(P/l)上。
Quality Shipping starts here& The White List and the Black List of ships have brought about good results 诚信航运从这里启航&船舶黑、白名单制度成效显著
So, to develop midland economy, to speed up the economic development of alongside Yangzi River Region, we should position the development of Wuhan Yangzi River Shipping Center high on the list, so that it can benefit more the regional economic development. 因此,为推动中部地区崛起,加快长江中游沿岸经济的发展,应把武汉航运中心建设放在优先发展的位置上,使其更好的贡献于地区经济发展。